North Palm Beach Restoration Company - Water Damage Restoration


Water is precious to life, but it can assume a dangerous avatar when it floods your property and destroys everything that you ever cherished. While sometimes the causes of water damage is apparent, there are times when hidden leaks can cause extensive damage without the owner being aware of it until it may be too late. For example, the harmless damp spots on the wall could be harboring mold beneath it, which can spread fast and damage your property. If you detect any sign of water damage, call us right away on 561-354-9986.

North Palm Beach Restoration Company is the most well-known water damage mitigation and restoration expert in the region. We have over two decades of experience in the field and have salvaged several residential and commercial properties in North Palm Beach, FL area. We have an expert team of professionals on board who use the latest techniques and tools to meet the requirements of the customers. With us at the helm of affairs, you can rest assured of quality work.

What is water damage?

Water damage can be classified into three categories:

Category 1: The source of water in this category is 'clean' and is not contaminated. Generally this category of water comes from an overflowing sink or a leaky faucet.

Category 2: This category of water is contaminated to some extent and comes from overflowing dishwashers, toilet bowls, washing machines etc.

Category 3: This kind of water is termed as ‘black water’ and is highly contaminated with physical, chemical or biological contaminants. The water comes from raw sewage and can be extremely dangerous.

The time factor:

Time can affect the property. If you ignore the issue and think that it will go away on its own, you are in for trouble. Water is destructive in nature, and the more you put up with it, the greater will be the extent of the damage.

Within 24-hours: Category 1 water remains the same. Carpets begin to get fully soaked and water goes beneath it.

After 24 hours: Category 1 becomes category 2 and mold formation begins. Certain things in the property such as furnishings or wallpaper can go beyond recovery.

By 72 hours: Category 1 and 2 becomes category 3. This may affect your property negatively and it may become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Act fast, act right:

No matter the source of water leakage, what is important that you have to act fast. You never know what dangers it can lead to. The best thing to do is to get in touch with an expert restoration service such as North Palm Beach Restoration Company at the earliest.

We can:

  • North Palm Beach Restoration Company North Palm Beach, FL 561-354-9986Find the source of the damage
  • Assess the spread of the damage
  • Discard damaged items
  • Dry out the affected areas
  • Clean and sanitize the property
  • Eliminate signs of mold 
  • Undertake repairs and restoration work

Facing water damage? If you live in North Palm Beach, FL area, call us at 561-354-9986 for quick help. As soon as you call us, we will reach you in less than 30 minutes to take care of your requirements.